Product Filter enables your users to easily perform complex filtering on your store’s products and quickly find the products they want.
Thanks to this functional module, visitors can find your products faster. Increase sales by getting higher customer engagement on your store. The faster your customers can find specific products they are searching for the more likely they are to purchase.
You can easily filter products by type, vendor and tags, but for filtering by other things like sizes (defined in product options) you can either create (and update) a set of tags for each product, or implement it using some custom scripts.
One of our custom required us to create product filter for his website so that their customers can find the product they need as quickly as possible with some simple clicks, making the searching process more convenient and comfortable.
With efforts of developers from Apollo team, our customer felt satisfied with this new feature of his website. This module is really useful for his customers to simplify the task of searching and finding ideal products when they are among a bunch of stuff with their head spinning around, feeling confused and lost. As a results, his business become more successful and conveniently.
If you desire to create product filter for your website, please feel free to contact us via:
Skype Online Support: trandinhnghiait
Phone Call:(+84) 987 822 810