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14 thoughts on “Ap Amelia Free Prestashop theme”
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- Version
- Latest update March 16 2022
- Compatible 1.7.5.x - 1.7.8.x
- Rate this item
Ap Amelia Free Prestashop theme version is available.
The latest version Prestashop is the most sought-after information as both developers and merchants seem to be extremely excited to see upcoming changes in this new version. Apollo doesn’t let you wait more since Ap Amelia Free Prestashop theme version 1.7.0 has been released.
This is the first and only trial theme until now complied with ver in the Prestashop shopping cart market. You can simply see strong improvements in the filter module, the clarification in layout, Mega menu, Easy configuration, and powerful color swatch. Amelia is compatible with a wider range of browsers like IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome and Edge.
Ap Amelia Free Prestashop theme is totally responsive, displaying perfectly in any screen sizes, irrespective of which device is. The theme is powered up by latest technologies, including Bootstrap 4, SASS, HTML5/CSS3, Font Awesome.
Finally, customers do not have to pay any fee to get Amelia. It is a totally FREE theme.
All great things are built by Apollo Theme
Download free version:
– We have completed Ap Amelia for version
– We have upđated version
– Prestashop is available.
– Prestashop is available. ( February 10, 2019)
– Prestashop is available. ( April 6th, 2020)
– Prestashop is available. ( April 29th, 2020)
– Prestashop is available. ( December 16h, 2020)
– Prestashop is available. ( November 18h, 2021)
– Prestashop is available. ( March 16h, 2022)
Sorry but after install process: This theme is not valid for PrestaShop 1.7
I think that must be manully installed.. but I cannot found installation instructions..
Ok, it work, it must be installed as a standalone installation of prestashop.
Instructions are into readme:
– Account Back Office:
* Username: demo@demo.com
* Pass: demodemo
– Create new database and import file sql : ap_amelia_ps17.sql.zip
– Edit table shop_url – change
* domain
* domain_ssl
* physical_uri.
– Edit file config: \app\config\parameters.php – change:
* database_host
* database_name
* database_user
* database_password
– You need generate again file .htaccess
– You can view the detailed instructions from the following link : …..
I have had some problems with .htaccess because some mod cannot be overwritten then I have to modifiy tha .htaccess, anche there’s to modify the rewritebase to /
RewriteRule . – [E=REWRITEBASE:/]
hola he instalado la plantilla correctamente en prestashop ultima version ahora me pregunto si puedo utilizarla para poner todos los productos y poner la tienda en marcha.
Hay alguna recomendacion ? gracias
Se me olvidaba decir que la plantilla es la de amelia (zapateria) y me gustaria antes de empezar a subir las imagenes y textos y configurarlo, si
¿realmente funcionará la tienda?.
after install error 500
Hola como puedo sacar los iconos de configuracion de layout que se encuentra en la pagina de inicio en el margen izquierdo.
Hi Mate,
If you have issues, please send to our email address: apollotheme@gmail.com
We will support you!
Thank you, have a nice day!
Thank you for providing this template. When i tried to use this theme there is error “Cannot install module ps_legalcompliance. The module is invalid and cannot be loaded.” How to solve this error?
Thank you
Hi Cankuang,
Can you send FTP + back office to our email: apollotheme@gmail.com
Our support team will check for you.
Thank you so much for reaching out.
Have a nice day!
El administrador de imágenes no funciona, No carga imágenes. Es porque es la versión gratuita o es que hay un error?
Hi Mate,
Please send your issue to our email: apollotheme@gmail.com
Our support team will help you check!
Wonderful post! We will be linking to this
particularly great article on our website. Keep up the good
Thank you so much!